Friday, March 6, 2020

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Things to do This August to Prepare For School

Irvine Tutoring Tips 5 Things to do This August to Prepare For School Irvine Tutoring Tips: 5 Things to do This August to Prepare For School Irvine Tutoring Tips: 5 Things to do This August to Prepare For School I know many students will roll their eyes at the thought of this post, but school is just around the corner, and it’s better to prepare now than fall behind. Don’t worry; you’ll still be able to enjoy your final weeks of vacation all while getting your brain in gear for the school year. Odds are you’ve been doing some form of school work, whether it be test prep for the summer ACT/SAT or taking a summer class. For those who haven’t even touched a book in weeks, that’s okay too! There’s plenty of time to get your brain back in shape. As a private Irvine academic tutor, I know the importance of furthering your education over the summer. From applying to college to scoring high on important tests, students have a lot on their plates and can’t afford to take months off from learning. Luckily summer learning can be fun and focused on your interests check out some of our past blog posts for ideas such as educational family trips and blogging. Here are five things you can do this August to help you prepare for the first day of school. 1. Hire a Private Irvine Tutor The best part about hiring a back-to-school Irvine tutor is that they work with your schedule. That way you can still fit in a few final summer activities without it interfering with your tutoring. Whether you are preparing for a specific class or just want to get the rust off in subjects such as math and science, our private Irvine academic tutors are here to help you succeed. 2. Make a Calendar This one is particularly important for students starting college in the fall. With a higher level of education comes more responsibility. Don’t expect the University to hold your hand and make sure you are doing everything you need to before classes start. Check your school’s calendar and add any important due dates, meet and greets, etc. into your personal calendar. Keep in mind that some classes require you to read a book before classes start. There’s no shame in adding “start reading that book!” into your calendar. 3. For Parents: Review Standards For Upcoming Year Most schools will allow you to see the learning standards for the upcoming year. These will include topics covered especially helpful in science and social studies. For example, if your student is set to learn about California history in the upcoming grade, take them to CA Historical Museums over the summer. Not only will the give them a leg up, but help them put what they are learning into context. 4. Put Away Your Phone and Pick Up a Book Let’s be honest, how many hours did you spend this summer staring at your phone? No judgment, just wanted to put that into perspective. Take a break from your phone and pick up a book. The good news is you can read something you want to read instead of an assigned book. Without even realizing it, you are improving your writing and reading skills while you enjoy a little book break (READ: 5 Ways to Get Your Kid to Love Reading). 5. Review How Last Year Went Take a moment to review how your previous school year went. While it’s important to focus on your grades and test scores, think about why you scored the way you did. For instance, were you overwhelmed when you signed up for a Spanish club? Make a note of these things and plan your upcoming year accordingly. Learning from your mistakes and achievements can help make the year go much smoother. It’s never too early to book your private Irvine tutor for the new school year. Call TutorNerds today for more information. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

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